FEZIBO Standing Desk Anti Fatigue Mat Wooden Wobble Balance Board Stability Rocker with Ergonomic Design Comfort Floor Mat Reviews Summary
Ratings Breakdown
Rated 4.4 by 4,318 people
Pros from Reviews
- Complement traditional standing mat
- Portable and easy to move
- Thick and comfortable to stand on
- Helps with balance and leg workout
- Fantastic customer service
- Ergonomic design for comfort
- High-quality craftsmanship
- Versatile and adjustable
Cons from Reviews
- Limited surface area for feet
- Durability issues with rubber coating
- Uncomfortable ridges and bumps
- May require extra foot padding
- Lack of durability
- Needs repair after less than a year of use
Notable Features
Ergonomic Design
Relieve Muscle Stress
Suitable for Workout
Free Resistance Bands Included
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