All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference (Springer Texts in Statistics)

Larry Wasserman A Concise Course in Statistical Inference Reviews Summary

Ratings Breakdown

Rated 4.4 by 213 people

Pros from Reviews

  • Overview of modern statistics
  • Nice list of references
  • Good roadmap for studying statistics
  • Comprehensive coverage of key topics
  • Complete proofs with few holes
  • Intuitive and efficient communication of concepts
  • Brand new condition of the book
  • Useful for learning statistical inference

Cons from Reviews

  • Not suitable for first exposure
  • Some typos in important equations
  • Lacks background intuition
  • Rife with abuse of notation
  • Unclear definitions
  • Many results stated without proof
  • Rushed topics with glossed-over applications
  • Exercises not well-posed

Notable Features

462 pages
Language: English
Best Sellers Rank: #291,360 in Books
Customer Reviews: 4.4
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